My Diabetes Avoidance Blog

Dear readers,

As a reader, I was told that I had a thousand followers, which made me feel responsible for creating something for you all.

I am a little tired this morning, as I have cycled around 200 k on a cycling holiday in Mallorca, a wonderful place where the people are kind and friendly; I thought I would share that with you, as kindness is in vogue at present.

Still, this is a blog about avoiding diabetes. While on holiday in Mallorca we were able to visit Lidl on a daily basis, as there seem to be plenty doted around a couple of kilometers away from the touristy and beach areas, if you are a walker, which we are, so we ate well, cabbage and risotto, and nectarines. We also found some lovely fig trees, on our cycle route, which had strayed into the road and were very ripe. I have never in my life enjoyed a freshly picked fig, in spite of having grown a couple of fig trees for the children to enjoy. The figs never ripened well enough in the past. Still, the weather is so hot and dry now, perhaps I will plant a new fig tree. I have been successful with growing three lemon trees this year, and they are now at last 3 inches tall. I will upload a photograph for you here when I have time. Is it me or are the magnolia trees in flower for the second time this year?

I enjoy a walk everyday; this has become a habit, since moving in with my partner a couple of years ago. I have been able to build the daily walk in after deciding to attempt a good work and life balance and getting a local job I can walk to. I tried the hard way first and commuted in to Weston Supermare, working in an outstanding college and memorising around 100 names. I was appreciated by the leader there but in the end health and my family were more important than kudos.

I do enjoy being appreciated and achieving, which is why I am hoping to finally begin my MA this month. There are some teething problems with the IT side of things; there usually are, especially when you are not wealthy enough to be able to afford an Apple phone or a good android. I’ve been coping with an Alcatel, which works well with one app on it, but cannot cope with both the Whattsap and the Strava app, which I use for motivating me to cycle.

Anyway, more from me later. I hope you enjoy reading. Thank you all for the likes, which is brave of you to be seen. The rest of you, thank you for reading invisibly. I hope you will continue as writing is my passion.

P.S. On holiday I ate 6 chocolate croissants. I have still avoided chocolate bars since April and am very proud of this.

Eat well,

with love,


Published by hermionelaake - Awards-nominated writer and associate editor O:JA&L

Whilst working on long fiction, Laake/Wilds write short stories, poetry, essays and blogs weekly. Laake appeared on Blog Talk Radio in 2016 in an interview across continents with Susan Wingate. Laake is an awards nominee, Jointly-published and Indie writer. Nominated for the Avon and Authonomy First Lines prize, 2014 and the H. G. Wells Grand Prize for Fiction, 2013 for the original #MYFRIENDALIEN out on AMAZON BOOKS in 2022. Flash fiction is published with Open: Journal of Arts and Letters. Laake has an MA from KU with distinction and a BA in English Literature.

One thought on “My Diabetes Avoidance Blog

  1. I need to do more walking – used to do lots , going to see Mum, but this year has been so busy that we haven’t had our country walks. I miss walking!

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